Monday, September 30, 2019

Gender and Technology Essay

This essay will take a look into an article called, â€Å"Caring About Connections: Gender and Computing† written by Jane Margolis, Allan Fisher and Faye Miller. In their article they take a look at differences in women and males with their uses and influence in technology, and women’s efforts to pursue an education in computer science and technology. This paper will be able to sum up their main ideas, critically analyze their beliefs, and take a particular look at women pursing fields of study in the technological workplace and technological studies. Gender Definition The definition of gender is not a very easy word to define. There are many meanings and terms that can be characterized under both males and females and mixed genders. However according to dictionary. com gender is the following: â€Å"(in many languages) a set  of classes that together include all nouns, membership in a particular class being shown by the form of the noun  itself or by the form or choice of words that modify, replace, or otherwise refer to the noun, as, in English, the choice of he   to replace the man,   of she   to replace the woman,   of it   to replace the table,   of it   or she   to replace the ship. The number of genders in different languages varies from 2 to more than 20; often the classification correlates in part with sex or animateness. The most familiar sets of genders are of three classes (as masculine, feminine, and neuter in Latin and German) or of two (as common and neuter in Dutch, or masculine and feminine in French and Spanish). â€Å" (Dictionary. com 2012) This definition of gender is what said to best fit the word however I believe that this is not the only way to describe a gender. Gender in my opinion the biological make up and the combination of actions and norms an individual follows and goes through. The biological make up of an individual is not the only way to depict what gender they are associated with but the actions and ideas they follow can also influence them. People are able to choose which gender they are associated with even if they pursue a gender different from their biological make up. Definition of Technology Technology is similar to gender where there truly isn’t one single definition behind the word. This term is also relatively new and has was not heavily used until World War one and two and after these event, the term began to be used as much as the word science. (Lecture18, March 27th). Science and technology are often closely related to one another because technology relies on science and the more science that is understood, the more technology can be created and change. With this is mind, innovation is key to defining technology and how to describe what technology is. In one our lectures, Kevin Kelly described technology as, â€Å"Anything that is invented after we are born. † With this in mind, a definition of technology can be described as any new innovation created that may help or hurt society as a whole. Authors’ Main Ideas The Authors of this article take a look into many different angles in the field of computer science. The ideas of the authors vary from some being where these individuals first got their first interest into this study. The authors also discuss the world around computer science and the individuals that are apart of this select group. Finally the authors also touch on the overall fact that the computer science is a field of study that is heavily associated with male users and students. Students who want to pursue this field of study often have different reasons and answers as the first enthusiastic moment in the study. The different reasons also relate to the basis of their gender. For many women in this study, there reasons to enter this field of study were to use the knowledge and information from studying to work with another field of study, such as education or science. Men on the other hand had different explanations or reasons for entering the field of computer science. Many men that were interviewed brought up a time in which they first remembered a time in which computers interested them or discussed items that are used for technology. Margolis, Fisher and Miller, also discuss a finding from a studying done by a researcher named Brunner. In his study, he found â€Å"The feminine take on technology looks right through the machine to its social function, while the masculine view is more likely to be focused on the machine itself. As a result, when technology is introduced as an end in itself, as in a programming class, for instance, young women are less likely to be interested than young men. (Brunner, 1997). This study done by Brunner helps show partial reason why men are more likely to show a strong interest n technological studies and pursue degrees in these fields. Because of this gender barrier that women are going to have to overcome in these fields it does show that many women do face a harder time in this field because of a view they are more likely to see rather then males. Many individuals that pursue the study of technology often associate themselves as different from the average group of people. Many men that pursue this field often believe they are truly the right individual and they often see women in the field as weaker or as someone that may struggle. According to Margolis, Fisher and Miller, in regard to the selective image and individuals that are perceived in the technological fields. â€Å"The pervasive image of the computer science student has a more deleterious affect on women students† (Margolis, Fisher and Miller 1998). Women are more affected by the â€Å"image† that select individuals are able to be apart of this industry. However not only are the classroom settings and social impact of other members impacting women. The media, Internet, and many other factors also impact women and the opportunities to pursue technology. These factors include the media depicting men as experts in technology, societal expectations of different goals for boys and girls, the structure of learning tasks, the nature of feedback in performance situations, and the organization of classroom seating† (Hale Pg 1). The social implications that women face show that they struggle when they are trying to join the field of technolog y. Finally, the field of technology is a field in which males already heavily dominate the workforce amount often turning women away from pursuing jobs and technological influence in the field. In their essay, Margolis, Fisher and Miller discuss the curriculum of computer science and its basic functions. Many classes in technological studies involve mathematics and scientific studies. Overall many of these classes have shown on average the men usually score high grades in these classes as these classes. Many women seem to steer away from classes like these because of the heavy presence of males, and the pressure of males in the classroom setting. Another item that many individuals that are apart of this industry are often characterized as nerds or geeks. According to the New York Times, â€Å"†¦another explanation for the drop in interest, which is linked to the pejorative figure of the â€Å"nerd† or â€Å"geek. † She said that this school of thought was: â€Å"Girls and young women don’t want to be that person. †Ã¢â‚¬  (Spertus, 2008). Many individuals, but particularly men and women want to avoid being called a geek or nerd and because of these names associated with many people in this industry, many women avoid these studies. Critical Analysis Overall Margolis, Fisher and Miller have shown many areas in which women and men have differences in the studies of computer Science field. The reasons for many of these individuals were different depending on their genders, which is often the case for many jobs and areas of studying. Many fields of studies do relate to individuals with certain preferences and the way many are set up in structure can benefit one gender over another gender. This is a fair argument because there are certain curriculums that do tend to have classes that are easier and a slight advantage to different genders. Secondly, the fact that many women are steered away because of the intimidation of not having the â€Å"image† of a computer science individual is also true. People in general want to fit in with a group of people that they are going to be studying their major in. Because of the large decrease of women entering the field of computer science and technological studies, many women are beginning to feel isolated from others and intimidated by the class structure. Finally, the heavy dominating field of men and the often-characterized nicknames of geeks and nerds also turns many women away from these studies. The increasing number of men studying in this field turns away many women from entering the field through intimidation and the infamous nickname of â€Å"geeks† and â€Å"nerds†. These names often associated with people in technological studies can steer individuals that want to learn more about the technological field into a different area of study to prevent harassing. However, though Margolis, Fisher and Miller did bring up many excellent points about gender inequality and differences in the fields of technology, these authors did fail to bring into that fact the usage of ICTs varying amongst genders. Though many women do not pursue degrees or jobs in technological fields, they are still heavily active in their use. Women in general are the largest users of cell phones, and among races, African American Women are the largest users of the Internet. However men do dominate women in some categories of ICT usage. Males are most notably the users of online gaming, however among races, African American men are least likely to use any form of technology. These differences are important to acknowledge with gender differences in technology. Men and women do both have different usages of ICTs and races do play a small role in the measurement of ICTs. With this in mind, though there are gender differences that exist in the fields of technology and ICT usage, each gender does have an area in which they do have the dominant share of usage. Conclusion In the world we live in, technology is constantly growing and adopting. New innovations are causing changes in simple items and transforming items we would have never thought to have. Genders are playing roles in the usage of technology. Though genders may face barriers or issues that can cause them to struggle, each gender does control heavy usage in certain ICTs. Margolis, Fisher and Miller passage has helped show the decline in women in the field of technological studies, particularly in computer science. Many women meet much conflict from the curriculum, to the intimidation factor of a primarily men filled class setting, to the often associate selective group of people in this field. Though these problems are common, many women do continue to pursue in these fields. As a result, men and women both face gender conflicts with technology, and certain technologies are more associated with genders. Overall, men and women still benefit from technology and the growing rate of technology in the world will lead to new items and new change.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Psychological Factors in Health Essay

Psychological Factors in Health By Samantha Weitzell Axia College of the University of Phoenix Contracting an illness rather it be the flu, a cold, or even heart disease can have many factors, some including genetic and lifestyle. Most of us only look at genetic factors when it comes to our health. If our grandmother had cancer then we will probably contract it as well. This is not entirely true, studies show that behavior, culture, environmental and stress can make a big difference in our health. Chapter 4 in our book states the multicultural model is â€Å"The belief that health and illness are a function of multiple factors involving biological, psychological, and cultural domains, and their interactions† (Axia College, 2009, Week Four reading). When we think about psychological factors such as anxiety or depression we tend to believe those only affect our mental health, however preventing or controlling these psychological illnesses can have effect on our physical health and well being. Psychological factors also are important in understanding and treating medical disorders. One medical disorder that is one of the biggest stress related are headaches. In the United States 20% of the population suffer from severe headaches (Axia College, 2009, Week Four reading). There are two types of headaches to discuss those are muscle tension headaches and migraine headaches. Muscle tension headaches are caused from the contraction of muscles in the shoulder, head and neck. When our body is experiencing a great deal of stress these muscles start to contract constantly causing us to have a muscle tension headache. Blowing issues out of proportion can lead to these headaches as well. Tension headaches come on gradually, most people will experience pain on both sides of the head and pressure throughout the head (Gorman & Park, 2002). One out of every ten Americans experience migraine headaches. A migraine headache is a throbbing headache caused by wavelike firing of neurons on the brain, which create ripples of neural activity that reach pain centers in the brain stem (Axia College, 2009, Week Four reading). Muscle tension headaches will experience pain on both sides of the head where in a migraine headache you will only experience pain on one side. Muscle tension headaches usually go away within a few hours at the most whereas migraine headaches can last hours or even days at a time. These types of headaches can cause blurred vision, sensitivity to things such as smells or light, nausea, and loss of eating. The cause of migraine headaches are said to be complex and not well understood. Most Doctors feel it is due to an imbalance of blood flow and imbalance of neuron activity in the brain. There are many things that can trigger these headaches such as stress, hormones, drug use, and even certain types of chemicals. According to the American Heart Association Coronary Heart Disease also known as CDH is the leading cause of death in the United States (American Heart Association, 2000). The choices we make and our behavior actually have a large effect on our risk of suffering from CHD. There are quite a few factors determining this. Our family history does have some effect but, there are also many other psychological effects we will discuss as well. A person who has a family history of CHD is most likely to contract it then others. Someone with psychological conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure or cholesterol are also at high risk. Many times when we feel stressed we think our blood pressure is too high but, that is not always true that is why it is important to get this checked regularly. Our eating habits can play a role in our risk for heart disease. Over eating, smoking and alcoholism are some of the most common. Type A behavior can have an effect on developing heart disease. Type A behavior is someone that is usually impatient, aggressive, feel rushed, and under a great amount of stress. Reducing these types of behavior patterns can help lower our risk of developing heart problems and even many other health issues. One CHD is developed we can undergo surgery and take medication. There are quite a few different ways that we can prevent developing this disease and eliminate risk of being one of those every ten Americans that suffer from CHD. One of the biggest challenges we face that we can change is to stop smoking, controlling our weight and to follow a healthy diet. All, three of these things are something that we control and we have the choice as to how we live our lifestyle. Keeping these types of things under control can help us in maintaining our health. Maintaining good behavior patterns and not living with a type A personality can help in reducing risks to heart disease. Finding ways to relieve stress and hypertension such as relaxation exercises or working in jobs that do not put so much stress on our bodies are good ways in controlling this.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Chromosomal Disorder

1. Turner syndrome: (X instead of XX or XY). In Turner syndrome, female sexual characteristics are present but underdeveloped. People with Turner syndrome often have a short stature, low hairline, abnormal eye features and bone development and a â€Å"caved-in† appearance to the chest. Description: Turner syndrome (TS) occurs when one of the two X chromosomes in females is either missing or incomplete. The most common symptoms are short stature and gonadal dysgenesis, which can cause incomplete sexual development and ovarian failure and infertility. As of right now, there is no known cause of TS. 2. Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY): Description Men with Klinefelter syndrome are usually sterile, and tend to have longer arms and legs and to be taller than their peers. Boys with the syndrome are often shy and quiet, and have a higher incidence of speech delay and dyslexia. During puberty, without testosterone treatment, some of them may develop gynecomastia. 3. Patau Syndrome: also called D-Syndrome or trisomy-13. Symptoms are somewhat similar to those of trisomy-18, but they do not have the characteristic hand shape Description: Trisomy 13, also called Patau syndrome, is a disorder in which an individual has three copies of genetic material from chromosome 13, rather than two. It can occur in three forms: Trisomy 13, which has a third chromosome 13 in all cells; Trisomy 13 mosaicism, which has a third chromosome 13 in some cells; and partial Trisomy, which has the presence of part of an extra chromosome 13 in the cells. 4. Down syndrome: Description usually is caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21 (trisomy 21). Characteristics include decreased muscle tone, stockier build, asymmetrical skull, slanting eyes and mild to moderate mental retardation. 5. Edwards syndrome: Description which is the second-most-common trisomy; Down syndrome is the most common. It is a trisomy of chromosome 18. Symptoms include mental and motor retardation and numerous congenital anomalies causing serious health problems. Ninety percent die in infancy; however, those that live past their first birthday usually are quite healthy thereafter. Some symptoms include clenched hands, feet with a rounded bottom, mental deficiency, underdeveloped fingernails, and an unusual shaped chest. 6. Cat eye syndrome: Description: For individuals with cat eye syndrome, the short arm (known as 22p) and a small region of the long arm (22q) of chromosome 22 are present three or four times, rather than twice. Characteristic features of the disorder include mild growth delays before birth, mild mental deficiency, and malformations of the skill and facial region, the heart, the kidneys, and/or the anal region. 7. Williams Syndrome: Description: Williams syndrome is caused by a deletion of genetic material from portions of the long arm of chromosome 7, a region that consists of more than 25 genes. Researchers have identified a few of the specific genes related to Williams syndrome, but the relationship between most of the genes in the deleted region and the symptoms of Williams syndrome is still unknown. The most common symptoms of Williams syndrome are mental retardation, heart defects, and unusual facial features ,small upturned nose, wide mouth, full lips, small chin, widely spaced teeth . Angelman syndrome: Description: Angelman syndrome (AS) is an example of genomic imprinting, where the deletion or inactivation of genes on the maternally inherited chromosome 15 causes the paternal copy, which may be of normal sequence, to be imprinted and silenced. AS is characterized by intellectual and developmental delays, sleep disturbances, seizures, and jerky movements, but also frequent laughte r or smiling and usually have a happy demeanor

Friday, September 27, 2019

Conflict and Stress in Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Conflict and Stress in Management - Essay Example Conflict and stress are two issues that can negatively affect the performance of an organization. Conflict occurs when two employees cannot agree on an issue (Collins & O'Rourke, 2009). This paper is a case study that involves two employees who cannot agree with each other on a production scheduling functions. Ralph is said to be proud since he has always handled the production scheduling in his head. However, the plant manager is looking to save on cost and increase the production efficiency. Kevin has a system that meets the manager’s needs. Ralph does not like the system since he wants to continue handling the scheduling as he has always done. He is at fault since he has refused to accept change in the organization. The issue, in this case, is that Ralph is not willing to accept change. He has been joined by other old workers who might feel that their positions are threatened by the changes being introduced. The best way to resolve this situation is to get Ralph to accept c hange. This can be achieved through effective communication. He should be sensitized about the need for such change. A compromising approach can be effective (Collins & O'Rourke, 2009). Ralph can be trained on how to use the computer systems. Both Kevin and Ralph can then be working together on the production schedule so that each one of them is partially satisfied. Conflict and stress cause poor performance in the organization. Therefore, managers should handle conflicts in the best way so as to avoid stress. In this case, the compromising approach can be effective.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Project - Assignment Example I want to become the next Conrad Nicholson Hilton. Although there are already many hotel companies which are doing quite successfully these days, I believe I can be in the competition and come out successful in the end as Hilton did during the great depression. I am confident that project management will prepare me for the humungous task before me. I know that this course will develop my planning skills which are very important for efficiency in the things that I need to do in the business. Planning is necessary in determining the crucial actions and to avoid frivolous ideas. Moreover, my organizational skills will also be reinforced as I study about theories and their applications which may have been successfully practiced by earlier businessmen or which could be developed even further to adapt to the changing demands of the modern world. Lastly, I believe this course will teach me to be wise in making decisions so that I will avoid common mistakes in doing business and will develop better ways to

None Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

None - Assignment Example If any of the students is found hurting emotionally for several days because of a failure, a rejection, a bad mood, or any other reason, it means the student has got a psychological wound. And, it needs to be treated with emotional-first-aid techniques. Therefore, the method for emotional first aid is required to improve the teaching practices because it helps to analyze and treat the emotional pain of the students (Lunenburg & Ornstein, 2011). 3. Being an educator it is necessary that before giving emotional first aid to the students the technique should be practices for personal emotional hygiene. In order to improve the personal emotional hygiene, few steps can be taken for the emotional hygiene. These steps include: Attention towards the emotional pain, protection of the self-esteem, control over the negative thoughts, control over emotional bleeding, and knowledge about the impacts of physical wounds. Teaching also gives experience and ideas about the wide range of emotions and emotional pain. Thus, after personal emotional hygiene the steps should be practiced during teaching (Blase & Kirby, 1992). 1. A health-care professional Nadine Burke Harris stated childhood trauma and its impacts on life in long term. Herein, it should be noted that this is an important thing that must be considered by an early childhood educator. The reason is that the incidents that happen with any child in early age leave its footprints on the mind. These impacts are stronger than it could be in any age group. It is the reason due to which it is suggested that the childhood traumas should be handled and taken seriously to avoid the possible attitude problems in children. These childhood traumas impact on the cognitive approach to the children and it changes the behavior of the children. Therefore, the idealistic approach or practice for an early childhood educator is that these children who have been through any

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Analyze how the 4 authors approached the issue of race, its history, Research Paper

Analyze how the 4 authors approached the issue of race, its history, and place within slavery - Research Paper Example The authors discussed below each represent a certain part of the African American heritage in the New World. Ira Berlin Ira Berlin in his essay â€Å"From Creole to African: Atlantic Creoles and the Origins of African-American Society in Mainland North America† discussed that not all slaves transported to the New World were not pure Africans. Instead there were a lot of people who were between Africans and European and were known better as Creole. The origination of the term Creole in early America is also traced and is indicated as an integral part of early America (Berlin, 21). Creoles are often overlooked by historians but they are an integral part of black immigrants in early America. Berlin supports his thesis by using evidence such as the opening story about Virginia’s Robert â€Å"King† Carter who renamed all of his slaves to prove his absolute power and ability to abuse slaves (Berlin, 19). The author focuses on how plantation slaves were handled and this is merged into the origins of the Creole people. The influence of the European traders in modifying large tracts of the populations along the Gold Coast and Elmina by interracial mixing of African and Europeans is also clearly demonstrated (Berlin, 22). Based on this change, Creoles were put in a position to assume roles that eventually made them important mediators between European traders and indigenous Africans (Berlin, 27). The movement of Creoles into the New World demonstrates that the influence of Dutch traders was significant in settling the Creoles in America through their bases in Curacao and New Amsterdam (Berlin, 30). Following this the author talks of various Atlantic Creoles who were established in Virginia who later diverged into other states present in early America (Berlin, 42). The end of the essay is used by the author to present various kinds of evidence used to augment the initial thesis. Margaret Washington Washington’s chapter â€Å"Gullah Roots† is based on a specific ethnic group of African slaves captured from several different African countries that were later known as the Gullah. The author argues that a majority of planters in America preferred a specific ethnic class of Africans who were adept at cultivating rice. These Africans were captured and enslaved from a region better known as the Gold Coast (Washington, 68). These slaves were subjected to masters who â€Å"also reinforced the Old World heritage† which means that these salves were subjected to inhumane treatment and were treated as people of lower status. These slaves are shown as being large contributors to modern African American culture. The author has used multiple primary sources such as a written source from the governor of Leeward Islands from 1701 (Washington, 68). This example as well as others supports the argument that slaves from the Gold Coast area were preferred. The records of Henry Laurens have also been used and reveal â€Å"a sense of prevailing attitudes toward African origins† in terms of slaves destined for the New World (Washington, 72). The author also uses secondary sources such as those related to the Muslim religion in order to augment aspects of the Gullah culture for example the Fulani and Mandinga Muslims who were settled in the mountainous regions of Sierra Leone (Washington, 76). These examples show that Muslims gained influence and authority and used it to enslave other

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Explain the development of the US Airline Industry and what role did Essay

Explain the development of the US Airline Industry and what role did the government play from 1910-1950 - Essay Example It was the world’s first commercial flight which travelled from St. Petersburg to Tampa Bay. The earliest initiative to promote the US airline industry was the formation of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics in 1915(NACA). This body was funded by the government to research into aircraft design and it was able to create the first supersonic aircraft. NACA was later integrated with NASA. With high speed aircrafts, airplanes began to be seen as an alternative to trains and roads. The major reason behind the evolution of this industry was the United States Postal Service. The USPS used army services during the early 1920 but since the army was involved in the World War, it could not render much time to the postal service (US Air). In 1925, government passed the Air mail act which allowed the private airlines to carry postal mails. The government took this step because it believed that it would promote the airline industry in the country and also provide economical sup port to the country (Harry, 2004). This served as a great initiative and the number of flights rose to a considerably large level. The private airlines expanded under this act and soon a large number of airlines were operating which not only for delivered postal mails but also offered passenger services. However with the increased number of flights and no monitoring and regulatory body, the accidents were very common.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Strategic hr management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategic hr management - Essay Example Taking the strategic approach to HRM obligates one to manage the practices of personnel management and focus more on the operational issues. The HRM team focuses on building a strong corporate culture that translate the company’s objectives into a specific and easy strategy (Mello 2011, p156). To support the needs of the General Electric, the newly hired HR professionals attended Human Resources Leadership Program (HRLP) (Mello 2011, 157). The main purpose of this conference was to equip the newly hired HR professional with adequate skills that would help the company achieve its set goals and objectives. Based on this analysis, it is evident that taking a strategic to Human Resource Management involves focusing on strategic issues affecting the company. It obliges one to have adequate skills to fully understand how to foster effective leadership that augment growth and increases productivity. Training is important as it helps HRs to handle strategic issues effectively that aff ect the company. 2. Explain the 4 roles that characterize strategic H.R.M. in terms of what it delivers to its internal customers. First, a HR should become a partner in strategy execution. He should be responsible for the organizational structure and its culture. To ensure that the organization is growing at a high rate, the HR should conduct an organizational audit to assist managers identify areas that need improvement and change (Mello 2011, p158). Secondly, it is the responsibility of the HR to identify methods for renovating success in the organization. In this case, a strategic H.R.M ensures that the organization operates effectively and delivers quality products and services to its internal customers. Thirdly, the strategic role of H.RM should be to strengthen the employee and employer relationship. Human resources managers should formulate a workforce strategy that highlights the organizational goals that need to be met (Fegley & Society for Human Resource Management (U.S.) , 2006).   Lastly, it is important to create a work environment that is free from hazards. The strategic development of the workplace safety obliges the need to conduct risk management and mitigate potential losses that may emerge in the workplace. The H.R.M. should work hard to increase employees’ satisfaction as this directly affects how they relate with clients. Satisfied and competent employees always look forward to serve clients with passion. Therefore, it is paramount for the H.R.M. to build a strong workforce that understands the importance of meeting customers’ needs. In this context, it is vital to create a strong corporate culture that focuses on the importance of satisfying internal customers. The H.R.M. should look forward to convert its first time clients to frequent and potential clients. This should motivate employees to work hard and give out the best services that attract a wide number of clients. It should lay a strong foundation for employees to a chieve the set goals and objectives. 3. Name and describe each of the 4 roles HR must play in a knowledge-based economy in order to build strategic credibility. A HR must be a relationship builder. He should develop

Sunday, September 22, 2019

SWOT of Mercedes Essay Example for Free

SWOT of Mercedes Essay Strengths Due to Mercedes is a leading of automobile companies and lead other manufacturer around the world. It is well established, provides high quality vehicles, and enjoys very good branding, earning itself plenty of respect and prestige. It is a well-known provider of luxury, offering solid design and expertly tuned ride comfort, making them one the most comfortable cars to ride. The company is also market savvy, with good access to global distribution with an array of agreements and alliances. Weaknesses The great quality means that they are price is very expensive, with much of the cost as a result fashion. The strong branding which promotes this has positives and negatives consumers like a good brand, but high prices can also be an issue. Promotion is one clear source of weakness. The companys promotional campaigns are rare, and the cars take a long time to make, which can lead to impatient customers. Recently, UAW contracts have cast the company under a negative light. Mercedes Benz should not lose sight of the ever changing market base. And keep a keen eye on the needs of the consumer, and the competitors. Opportunity There will always be plenty of opportunities for Mercedes-Benz, which can lead to higher profits and future expansion. The new clean energy cars will be the future, and will be a major new opportunity for the company if they can secure the right technology. Booming car markets in the world offer new places to sell, and the honing of already established features will ensure that new customers will want to purchase from Mercedes-Benz. Threats Competition is increasing, as new and dominating Asian car markets move towards the global stage. Japan and America have increased car tax for large luxury cars, which makes them less desirable. There are also more subtle social and cultural factors which could have consequences for profitability in the future.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Incivility in Nursing: Causes and Intervention Strategies

Incivility in Nursing: Causes and Intervention Strategies Review of related literature a. Definition of incivility Incivility is defined as an uncivil behavior towards a person whether physical or verbal. Incivility is often seen in different environment and venue such as inside the classroom, clinical setting, community, and workplace. Incivility is always a major issue that affects the relationship between a student and a teacher. According to Clark (2008) she defined incivility as an â€Å"interactive and dynamic process that both parties are responsible†. She also stated that it creates a barrier between the teaching-learning environment. The most common issues about incivility between a student and a teacher are that teachers treat students unfairly and teachers pressure students to meet faculty demands. Faculty incivility is unprofessional and unethical, it is a behavior that compromises a students learning ability and decision making in the classroom or clinical setting. Incivility lowers one’s self esteem and self confidence that hinders the student’s ability to perfo rm in the classroom or clinical setting. Faculty incivility leaves a mark to a student, it makes a student feel bad of themselves. According to Clark (2008) students are helpless, powerless, and traumatized. Students’ performance will suffer drastically, she stated that students will have a harder time finishing the nursing program. According to Marchiondo (2010), she stated that faculty incivility will result into extreme cases like depression and violence. A student that feels depressed might have a hard time coping inside the classroom. The students’ safety is a main priority for faculty members, a result to violence may affect the environment in school and in the clinical setting. The American Nurses’ Association’s (2004) Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice stated that professionalism is important in interactions with others, it also stated that the art of nursing is based on caring and respect for others. Marchiondo (2010), she also stated that long term faculty incivility may result in program dissatisfaction and withdrawal. She also stated that faculty incivility ignored is also an act of incivility as well. Ignoring a negative behavior is an act of negative behavior as well. She also stated that there is a high chance of incivility in an educational setting if there are no rules or regulations regarding faculty incivility. Perpetrators of supervision fail to detect incivility or uncivil behavior and will be held responsible for their actions. According to Bautista (2013) posted journal, student behaviors most commonly reported as discourteous by faculty included making negative groans, making ironic comments or gestures, not interested in class, dominating class discussions, using gadgets in class, and cheating on tests and exams. The greater part of faculty reported that unethical or uncivil student behaviors occurred rarely or sometimes. Samples of faculty behaviors considered unethical or uncivil by students incorporated suspension of classes without warnings, being not ready for class, disallowing open discussions, being not interested or cold in class, mocking or provoking students, conducting fast-paced discussions and lectures, and being unavailable or unreachable outside class. Students think faculty incivility as a reasonable problem in the nursing education environment. Therefore, it is very important that nurse educators and administrators assist students and faculty handle efficiently with these behaviors. (Ba utista, 2013). According to Davis, Karen (2005) she confirmed that the notion of faculty incivility in nursing education is old. However, it has generated much conversation at nationwide conferences, faculty meetings and in the press. What’s disturbing the most is nurse educators are the frequency of faculty incivility being witnessed in every day encounters by teachers who teach students in the clinical setting and the class room. If these actions are not mentioned during the academic process, they can simply go beyond to health care environments.An incorporated assessment of the literature from five years ago, which included nursing students and faculty from programs conferring associate to doctoral degrees, recognized general unethical or uncivil behaviors from students: late in class, being noisy and inattentive in class, dominating class, shouting at professors, threatening and provoking, physical abuse, and threatening or blackmailing to give bad teacher evaluations. Behaviors of the t eachers most often measured unethical or uncivil by students were mocking or provoking students, being distant or unreachable, and being unavailable outside the class room. No wonder nursing education is now being considered by a society of incivility.(Davis, 2005). According to Marchiondo et. al. (2010) he stated that the unethical or uncivil behaviors can have many harmful effects on both faculty and students. Sufferers of incivility may feel symptoms such as pressure, stress and anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, sadness, annoyance and humiliation. One study found a strong connection between a student’s fulfillment and incivilitywith his or her nursing education. Incivility correlates strongly with program dissatisfaction. As the incivility goes up, a student’s fulfillment with the course some students finally leave their nursing course for another course; and some students decide not to enter the nursing career. (Marchiondo, Lasiter, 2010). B. Student incivility According to the book of Lower J. (2007) usually â€Å"bullies† don’t know their own attitude and behavior as being immoral or uncivil. They may depart one position, only to cause disorder anywhere else. Their insight truly becomes their reality. Incivility can become the standard for a class room, clinical setting, and workplace, which makes it harder to modify. Dealing with the negative behavior in a sensible way, will stop incivility from becoming the standard. Once incivility is permitted to become the standard, it takes time to get the place of work back to an optimistic, healthy atmosphere. Experts concur that it takes about 2-5 years for a group to change its customs. Policies are a must to stop and/ or progress incivility. A policy of behavior is essential to describe the behaviors that are considered troublesome. The system needs to deal with all employees in a group such as non employees such as providers, and nurses. In order for a policy of behavior to be ef ficient, it must be applied in all situations. Leadership needs to be not only implicated in the process, but dedicated to reinforcing its significance. With no enforcement, the policy is useless. All members of the team, including leadership, need to be responsible for enforcing and modeling the policy of behavior. Similarly important is assessing incidents and complaints in an appropriate method, and taking counteractive action so workers see it is not tolerated or condoned. Nurse leaders need to set the nature and outlook for the type of proficient communications that will occur in the workplace. Words can be typed in a mission statement, but the truth is that nurses and students will copy the behaviors they view and practice from the faculty and nurse leaders. If my nurse leader does not â€Å"walk the talk,† I am going to disregard the policy and act what I know I can get away with. We all float irregularly and that is human nature. However as nurses, we are responsible for our own behaviors and actions. Education is the key to serving others. Some health settings are looking for to teach nurses on how to get better at social communications, proper etiquette, and promote optimistic skills in the place of work. People may not understand they show unethical or uncivil behavior. People consider this is â€Å"not about me.† Many times people need insight or self-awareness, and have no idea how to modify behavior that may be embedded. Teaching everyone on the new code of conduct will assist produce an accepting, friendly, and an open atmosphere. It may be needed to offer guiding and coaching as desired to help develop the attitudes and behaviors of others. There should be a no acceptance for incivility. It’s significant for all of us to educate respect and teach others to know and react to incivility. Nurse leaders must get complaints critically and not let off the messenger. It takes great effort to tell incivility. Don’t make excu ses such as â€Å"that’s just the way she is, but you will get used to it† or â€Å"the unit cannot afford to lose him even though he makes worry on the unit.† As a nurse leader it’s vital to collect information swiftly, shake-up the facts, and act upon when needed. It’s important to carry out post-departure interviews, not at the time a student leaves, but weeks after leaving. This will give you an improved image as to what other essentials may have been concerned in the worker exit his or her situation. It’s significant to maintain the latest traditions by obliging open communication so that civility becomes the custom. Nurse leaders require showing dependably and making a safe atmosphere so nurses are not afraid when giving out complaints and concerns or telling reports. Nurse leaders also need to endorse positive and open response so nurses learn how to show common courtesy and respect. It’s significant to be tolerant of each othe r’s opinions and ideas. Nursing academic programs need to contain incivility issues and topics in the program. It’s also supportive to have students’ role play specific situations. It has been found that former students are able to feel unethical or uncivil behaviors in a more suitable approach, with the use of play-acting. C. Faculty incivility Regarding to the definition of Clark, â€Å"Incivility in the nursing education is perceived as impolite or troublesome behaviors which often effects in psychological or physiological suffering for people concerned and if left with no action, may develop into a provoking condition† (Clark, Farnsworth Landrom, 2008). Regarding to the â€Å"US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health† the incivility in the nursing education is a developing crisis and one that gravely affects the learning-teaching atmosphere and frequently outcomes in problematic and stressful faculty-student relationships. Nursing professors, who show constructive, ethical behaviors, support similar attitudes and behaviors from their students. Furthermore, professors who are unfriendly, not interested, and humiliating may call upon resentment. The document that was written by Cynthia M. Clark (2008) made a phenomenological research to observe nursing students view of faculty incivility and its effect on the students. Students recognized 3 major themes of faculty incivility: Professors behaving in humiliating and mocking ways, Treating students unjustly and personally, and Obliging and pressuring students to conform to difficult school demands. Furthermore, students felt helplessness and hopelessness to speak to the problem and described faculty superiority and misuse of power as main factors to the problem. (Clark, 2008) Regarding to the piece written by Susan Luparell (2008) â€Å"Incivility in Nursing Education: LET’S PUT AN END TO IT† she confirmed that both students and faculty have addressed that incivility is a reasonable problem in the nursing education. Fortunately, faculties will tell that they see incivility by only rare occasions. Yet addressing with these unusual problem students take an uneven number of their time and effort, and frequently ends up depriving diligent students of excellent educational experiences. Impolite behavior to faculty is not partial to being noisy in class, loud voices, and ironic comments. Nursing faculty have also implicated being pressed, having school stuff thrown at them, vandalizing their stuff and being stalked around and outside the classroom, and obtaining threats. Regrettably, the incivility matter isn’t one-sided. Students also indicate that they also feel disrepected. The people involved may be other students, professors, or staff. It’s not astounding to feel that students find mocking comments and provoking by professors to be unethical or uncivil. (Luparell, 2008) Regarding to the book of Carter, he confirmed that to make a more civil surroundings, he tells Americans to raise ordinary good over selfishness, to push wider civic contribution, and to renovate social standards. Carter feels that impoliteness and disregard are â€Å"the merest graze of the surface of problem† and proof of our nation’s rising incivility. According to Carter, self-interest and stealing one’s own desires met are crowding into the community of America, including our nation’s schools and classrooms. As Forni (2008) confirmed, â€Å"incivility frequently occurs when people are worried, stressed, miserable, or hurried. When these match, something can occur. Incivility affects self-confidence, damages relations, increases anxiety and stress, contaminates the work atmosphere, and may rise into cruelty.† It’s significant to note that many times the faculty showing the unethical or uncivil behavior is ignorant of how his/her behavior, actions or words may be upsetting others. The outcomes of incivility take a toll on us. It affects our self-confidence by affecting our mentality. When we feel susceptible, there is a rise in stress and anxiety, which can develop to anger and violence. It also affects our relations by causing depression, loss and isolation. It also increases anxiety and stress, which lowers the immune system, it greatly affects our body, soul and spirit. Furthermore, the effects can result to despair and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It also affect s the atmosphere of the workplace by lowering confidence. Nurse leaders can also be in a difficult situation. For nurses in a management and leadership position, to stay still is to ignore the behavior. If leadership allows the behavior, it makes it difficult for others to tell the same kind of attitudes and behavior. The nurse may think his/her leadership accepts of the behavior. Furthermore, leadership may not understand incivility is happening. The behavior wishes to be told to the nurse leader’s notice for more action. Don’t presume the behavior has possibly been reported by a different nurse. Incivility also happens with student nurses. It results in students having lowered self-esteem and confidence, rage, disappointment, insomnia, stress, anxiety and worry. When student nurses are bullied by staff nurses, they are more suitable to imitate the attitudes and behaviors and result in bullying behavior themselves. (Forni, 2008) Incivility is defined as an uncivil behavior towards a person whether physical or verbal. Incivility is often seen in different environment and venue such as inside the classroom, clinical setting, community, and workplace. Incivility is always a major issue that affects the relationship between a student and a teacher. According to Clark (2008) she defined incivility as an â€Å"interactive and dynamic process that both parties are responsible†. She also stated that it creates a barrier between the teaching-learning environment. The most common issues about incivility between a student and a teacher are that teachers treat students unfairly and teachers pressure students to meet faculty demands. Faculty incivility is unprofessional and unethical, it is a behavior that compromises a students learning ability and decision making in the classroom or clinical setting. Incivility lowers one’s self esteem and self confidence that hinders the student’s ability to perfo rm in the classroom or clinical setting. Faculty incivility leaves a mark to a student, it makes a student feel bad of themselves. According to Clark (2008) students are helpless, powerless, and traumatized. Students’ performance will suffer drastically, she stated that students will have a harder time finishing the nursing program. According to Marchiondo (2010), she stated that faculty incivility will result into extreme cases like depression and violence. A student that feels depressed might have a hard time coping inside the classroom. The students’ safety is a main priority for faculty members, a result to violence may affect the environment in school and in the clinical setting. The American Nurses’ Association’s (2004) Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice stated that professionalism is important in interactions with others, it also stated that the art of nursing is based on caring and respect for others. Marchiondo (2010), she also stated that long term faculty incivility may result in program dissatisfaction and withdrawal. She also stated that faculty incivility ignored is also an act of incivility as well. Ignoring a negative behavior is an act of negative behavior as well. She also stated that there is a high chance of incivility in an educational setting if there are no rules or regulations regarding faculty incivility. Perpetrators of supervision fail to detect incivility or uncivil behavior and will be held responsible for their actions.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Working With and Leading People

Working With and Leading People Working with and leading people Contents Introduction Task 1 Documentation to select and recruit new member of staff: Task 2 2.1 Skills and attribute needed to be a leader: 2.2 Difference between leader and manager: 2.3 Comparison among different types of leadership: 2.4 Ways to motivate stuff: Task 3 3.1 Benefits of team working for an organization: 3.2 Demonstration of working in a team as a leader and member towards specific goals, dealing with any conflict or difficult situations 3.3 Effectiveness of the team at xyz ltd. in achieving organizational goal: Conclusion References Introduction Human resource works with the employers and employee. Al instate have to appoint new employee to run the organization. Human resources work with that. Their job is to recruit new employee when it is needed. As business studies student we must know to work with and lead people. This teaches us to lead people effectively and make them work as the management wants. Every organization has to have a proper team management that can make the workers work efficiently. For this they have to provide training to develop their skill of an individual to become a good employee. In this assignment we will apply our knowledge against the given xyz ltd. to recruit new employee and achieve their mission. Task 1 Documentation to select and recruit new member of staff: Suppose xyz ltd needs to recruit 4 new employee, 10 driver and 3 administrators. Human resource department of xyz ltd have to prepare a documentation to select and recruit new member of stuff. The documentation is given bellow, Approval of the recruitment: Recruitment process of an organization is started when the authority of the organization approves the recruitment. When the organization need new employee they send a draft with a posting description and a document which describe the requirements. After approving the draft the authority of xyz will send it to the HR department. The copy of approval must include the electronic copy of the draft description and advertisement. Position description: No organization can change the post’s position after the advertisement. So before it gives the advertisement xyz ltd must describe the position of the post they are going to recruit. The authority of xyz ltd has to approve the position description. The description must include the responsibilities and duties of the position, all the works and the activities. Advertising: Advertising is one of the most important tasks to recruit new members. The advertisement of xyz ltd is required to be approved by the executive director of HR department of xyz ltd. There are many different media to give the advertisement of the job such as online media, print media, electronic media, open advertisement etc. The HR dept. of xyz ltd will choose the media. The advertisement also describe the vacancy announcement, skills required, terms and conditions, payment etc (Borrini, 2004). HR dept. has to obey the advertisement law before advertising. The advertisement of xyz for different post are given bellow, For driver: Closing date: 31/12/2014 Location: London Vacancy: 10 Types of employment: Temporary Working hour per week: 40 hours Salary: XXX Responsibilities for the post: †¢Agree to go all the places of UK †¢Positive response to changes in the organization †¢Taking part in loading and unloading. †¢Delivering goods on time to anywhere. †¢Maintaining personal skill. †¢Driving safely. †¢Self-motivation, innovation, creativity. †¢Working in as a team. Skills and experiences: †¢Basic knowledge of driving and in English. †¢UK driving license. For administrator: Closing date: 31/12/2014 Location: London Vacancy: 3 Types of employment: Permanent Working hour per week: 40 hours Salary: XXX Responsibilities for the post: †¢Meeting the target weekly, monthly and yearly. †¢Monitoring cost of delivery †¢Maintaining the SHE policies and health and safety regulations. †¢Maintaining personal relations with superior, colleagues and sub-ordinates. †¢Working in as a team Experiences and skills: †¢Degree in business discipline. MBA majored in management is preferred. †¢Working experience for at least 10 years. †¢Good communication skill. †¢Must familiar with socio economic culture of England. †¢Fluency in English. For employee: Closing date: 31/12/2014 Location: London Vacancy: 4 Types of employment: permanent Working hour per week: 40 hours Salary: XXX Responsibilities for the post: †¢Maintaining highly professional manors with sub-ordinates, colleagues and superior. †¢Dealing with different parties for xyz ltd. †¢Monitoring the work of the employee. Skills and experiences: †¢A degree in business. BBA majored in management is preferred. †¢Working license for UK †¢Minimum 5 years of working experience. †¢Fluent in English. †¢Good communication skill The impact of legal, regulatory and ethical consideration to the recruitment and selection process: Impact of sex discriminatory act: It is a mandatory to maintain the sex discriminatory act. No one can be discriminated by their group of sex. If a candidate fulfill the qualification xyz ltd is bound to recruit him or her no matter the candidate is male or female (Jones and Charlton, 2002). Impact of equality regulation: Both young and old people can participate in the recruitment process. The HR manager cannot give privilege to any particular group. If he/she does she will be breaking law of prevention of equality (age) regulation. Impact of race relation act: A person who has the work permit can apply for the job. If the advertisement is for any particular nationality, it will break a law, the provision of race relation act. Impact of law in advertising stage: The HR manager has to make sure that the job advertisement doesn’t break any law and it is going obeying law. The advertisement can not contain any kind of sign of discrimination based on sex, race, age, nationality etc. Impact of right to the employee: The board of interview has to make sure that the applicant has the legal permit to work in UK. And they also should check the background of the applicant of any criminal activities. Impact of law in interview stage: The interview process must be abided by the law. No board member is allowed to ask any questions that can affect any of the applicant’s religious or national view. And disable persons have to be treated in a proper way. Impact of the statement of employment: The employee must be provided by the statement of employment including all the terms and conditions, salary, holidays, and working hours (Baxter Magolda and King, 2004). Taking part in the selection process: After advertising, comes the selection process. HR manager plays a key role in the process. It is a series of some sequential task. How HR dept. takes part in the selection process is given bellow, Selecting a recruitment and selection board: The HR dept. selects a selection and recruitment board to select the new employee. The members are selected by the director of HR dept. of xyz ltd. xyz ltd. is going to recruit tree types of staff. For this the HR dept. has to select three selection and recruitment board. In every board the respective director of the department in which the new employees are being recruited. This board takes the interview of the applicants. Short listing: The selection board makes a short list of candidates by different listing method after receiving the applications. Some popular method of listing is MCQ exam, written exam, IQ test etc. Then the board gives the shortlist to the HR dept. Then HR dept. arranges an interview to select the final ones from the shortlist. Interview: The selection board of xyz ltd. then calls the applicant from the shortlist to face the interview board. They want to see who can satisfy the board. In the interview the board inquires about various things like the background of the applicants, their knowledge, their experience and their cultural background etc. Appointment: The board then recommend for the applicant who satisfied the board. Then the HR dept. appoints the selected candidate those who are recommended by the board. Evaluation of my own contribution to the selection process: According to the instructions given I took part in preparing the documents necessary to select the employee and gave the advertisement. I was also a member of the selection and recruitment board of xyz ltd. I helped them to make the short list and I was present at the interview room. And finally I prepared the necessary documents to appoint the new recruit (Hepple, Coussey and Choudhury, 2000). Task 2 2.1 Skills and attributes needed to be a leader: The quality to lead a team depends on some key skills. Some of them are given bellow, Honesty: We know honesty is the best policy. When a leader is responsible for a team one has to be very honest. Because if the leader is honest and makes ethical value important the team will also follow the leader and the team will be an honest team. Communication: The leader knows what he is going to do and have a great idea about something, but he cannot make the team members understand that. Then it is a very big problem. The leader must know how to communicate with the team members. Communication skill is one of the most important skills leaders have to have. If any leader does not have the right skill to communicate properly with the members of the group he might want to consider focusing on honing communication skills. Good communication skill for leader is like a blessing for the team (Burke and Cooper, 2006). Commitment: There is no greater motivation than seeing the leader working hard alongside with the general members. If the leader expect his team to perform fine, work heard and produce finest content the leader is going to need to set an example. Hard working leader generates the want to work hard and bring some good result among the general members. The leader is to show commitment to hard working but also to the promises he made. It is important to be a fair leader as well as a hard worker (Burke and Cooper, 2006). Creativity: The leader has to be very creative. Otherwise he cannot expect the team members to be creative. The average time the leader has to make clear-cut decision. But some times that the leader have to make a flying decision. This is the time when creativity is vital. In this type critical situation when the team will look on the face of the leader for guidance. That’s why the leader have to think outside the box. Sometimes it is not wise to decide the first thought comes to mind. Those decision needs to give some thoughts. Even it is right to ask the team for guidance. The leader has to utilize every possible resource. Ability to inspire: Sometimes the team needs to be forced, especially at the beginning. Then inspiring them becomes vital. The leader has to make the team want to work hard and effectively. Confidence: Confidence is the key to success. The team leader has to be confidence to be a successful team. There may be time when the task may be worrisome and the plans were not going to work, the leader has to be confident. Otherwise the team will not be able to overcome the situation. Some other skills are ability to delegate, sense of humor, positive attitude etc (Saracho and Spodek, 2005). 2.2 Difference between leader and manager: Manager and leader may look similar but they are not the same. We know from the definition of manager that manager have subordinates. On the other hand leaders have no subordinates he have followers. The difference between leader and manager is given bellow, Attribute of a manager: †¢Manager is the administrator. †¢Manager has to be pragmatic in accepting events and trends. †¢The focus of a manager is to control, the structure and the systems of the organization. †¢Manager has a linear perspective †¢Manager manages his subordinates †¢He perceive threats †¢He minimizes weakness Attribute of a leader: †¢The leader has to study, develop new idea and principles. †¢He has to be innovative †¢A leader have to be resourceful he should look of the solution of the problem. †¢Leader emphasizes on the focus of his team members †¢Inspires the team †¢Leader has to understand the big picture †¢He generally looks for opportunity to develop skills and efficiency (Saracho and Spodek, 2005). 2.3 Comparison among different types of leadership: Different types of leadership exist in the business world. There are some advantages and dis advantages of each and every type of leadership. The environment and the situation of a particular firm determine which kind of leadership they are to adopt. Three kind of leadership is given bellow, Autocratic: The autocratic style allows the leader to make decisions by himself without communicating with other. Every manager poses impose their will and authority over their employee. No one can challenge his decision. Laissez-Fair: In this style of leadership the manager laces direct supervision and regular feedback. Highly experienced and skilled employee needs a very little supersession and guidance. But not every kind of employee is feet for this kind leadership (Haddad, 2002). Participative: In this system a leader listen every input from the employee and member of the team. And then it is up to the leader to make the decision. Most often the leader supports the majority. It is often called as the democratic leadership. This style boosts the employees morally because it shows that their opinion is considered. Comparison: Among all the style the democratic style suits for every kind of organization. Because autocracy is not praised every one. Besides it gives an impression that the leader is a special person and no one can challenge his opinion. Then lassies-Fair is not applicable of every organization. It is appropriate for only the organization where every employee is highly skilled and capable. So it is safe to say that democratic system is the best. And for xyz ltd. democratic system is appropriate (Mackey and Jacobson, 2010).. 2.4 Ways to motivate stuff: There are motivational theories to motivate employee to achieve objective. Some of them are given bellow, Communicating with the employee: It is a basic point but very important one. The stuffs must know that they are listened, understood and valued. Perhaps they need to know they are the most important. If any of the stuff any concern about the organization he need to know that the channel of communication is available and he is listened. That will make them feel more comfortable and will motivate them to do more for the organization. Good salary and rewards: Everybody have their needs. To fulfill the needs they have to earn. The employee work to earn their lively hood. A good amount of salary is their right. And that will motivate them to act highly and effectively. Moreover rewards for their good performance in needed. If the performance of employees is good they should be rewarded. This may be in form of additional pay, bonus, simple gratitude etc (Carnwell, Buchanan and Carnwell, 2009). Involving employees in decisions making: Many different decisions are made every day in a company from the ground level to the enterprise level. Major decisions will be made in the boardroom but that does not mean that the employee is not allowed to choose their method of working. They must be allowed to make small decision like the approach to accomplish the work etc. Offer training and development: Employees need to train to develop their skills and ability. They want to know that every day they are developing their ability to perform more accurately and learning new skills. Every individual have their own goal and ambition. And to maintain their skills they need to provide necessary training. Define the employees’ role: Every employee should have their opportunity to move up their ranks. If they don’t then they might think that their contribution to the company and organization is not noticed and that in not good for organization. If they employee are promoted as their performance they will know that their work in not going un-noticed. Then they will want to perform more (Carnwell, Buchanan and Carnwell, 2009). Task 3 3.1 Benefits of team working for an organization: The primary benefit of team work is that it allows the organization like xyz ltd. to achieve that is quit impossible to achieve for an individual working alone. The advantages of teamwork is given bellow, High quality outcomes: †¢High efficiency: As the combination of individual makes a team, a team can do more than an individual can do alone. †¢Faster speed: As team combines the effort, they can accomplish the task consuming less time. †¢Innovative idea: each individual working in the team may bring many different information and knowledge which makes the task lot easier. †¢Effectiveness: Combination of effort brings more effectiveness. Better context for individual: †¢Mutual support: Because of working together team members become supportive to other member. That helps the team to overcome bad situation. †¢Greater sense of accomplishment: Because the members collaborate and take responsibilities they can feel the greater sense of accomplishment. From above we can see the benefit of team working. If the management of xyz ltd. can provide good motivation and make efficient team then they can overcome some of the great problems they were facing lately (Glasby and Peck, 2004). 3.2 Demonstration of working in a team as a leader and member towards specific goals, dealing with any conflict or difficult situations Xyz ltd faced many difficult situations in their regular organizational tasks. Usually they solve their problems as a team working together just like they should be. In their teamwork they are very team oriented. As a member and as a team leader they are very efficient and effective (White and Harris, 2001). 3.3 Effectiveness of the team at xyz ltd. in achieving organizational goal: The team of xyz ltd. is very much effective and efficient in competitive world. To work in a team in any other environment the team needs some diversified knowledge. The team of xyz ltd has that knowledge. And they help one another to overcome problems. To be in a team the members have to be respectful about other members’ opinion and have the respect for other. This team has them all. Thus the team overcomes many difficult situations. The team of xyz ltd is very effective (White and Harris, 2001). Conclusion Leadership is one of the most important factors to perform in a difficult and new situation. A good leader can bring massive change in the organization by leading people up front. The leader has to face many new situation and new challenges every day. A good leader can solve all the problems and face every challenge if the employees follow the leader and behave in a proper way. References Borrini, G. (2004).Sharing power. [London]: Natural Resources Group and Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods Programme of the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). Jones, K. and Charlton, T. (2002).Overcoming learning and behaviour difficulties. London: Routledge. Baxter Magolda, M. and King, P. (2004).Learning partnerships. Sterling, Va.: Stylus Pub. Hepple, B., Coussey, M. and Choudhury, T. (2000).Equality. Oxford: Hart Pub. Burke, R. and Cooper, C. (2006).The human resources revolution. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Saracho, O. and Spodek, B. (2005).Contemporary perspectives on families, communities, and schools for young children. Greenwich, Conn.: Information Age Pub. Haddad, C. (2002).Managing technological change. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. Mackey, T. and Jacobson, T. (2010).Collaborative information literacy assessments. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc. Carnwell, R., Buchanan, J. and Carnwell, R. (2009).Effective practice in health, social care and criminal justice. Maidenhead: McGraw Hill/Open University Press. Glasby, J. and Peck, E. (2004).Care trusts. Abingdon, U.K.: Radcliffe Medical Press. White, V. and Harris, J. (2001).Developing good practice in community care. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 1 | Page

Thursday, September 19, 2019

An investigation of the glucose concentration of the cell sap in potato

An investigation of the glucose concentration of the cell sap in potato cells In this experiment I intend to investigate the effects of osmosis on potato cells. Specifically, I intend to use my knowledge of osmosis to investigate the glucose concentration of the cell sap in potato cells. Osmosis is a method by which water levels on either side of a semi permeable membrane may balance themselves. It occurs between regions of high water concentration and low water concentration. As it is a special method of diffusion exclusive to water, it also allows dilute and concentrated solutions to balance their strengths. It does this by preventing large non-water particles from passing through the semi-permeable membrane due to their size, in order that the water levels on either side may equate, regardless of the solution's other contents. Osmosis is passive, that is to say it does not require energy in order to be performed. This is because it occurs solely between regions of high and low water concentration. The direction and speed of osmosis depends on the two solutions' osmotic potential. This is the measure of the pressure by which the water molecules of a solution diffuse across a semi-permeable membrane. A solution's potential is defined by its concentration. The more soluble a solution has in it, the lower its water concentration and the lower its osmotic potential. In the example below sugar molecules represent the soluble. Cell sap is contained in the vacuole of a cell and is a part glucose, part water solution. The membrane of the cell acts as a semi-permeable membrane across which osmosis occurs (see below). In the case of osmosis into and out of the vacuole, it occurs across two membranes - the plasmalemma and the tonoplast. When osmosis occurs, water may enter or leave the vacuole according to the concentration of the substances inside and outside the potato cell. In the example below we see what would happen if a plant cell were surrounded by pure water. As pure water has the highest water concentration possible, osmosis will invariably occur into the cell vacuole, which by definition contains a solution lower water concentration. The plant cell will take in as much water as is needed to make the water levels on either side of the membrane equal. As the glucose molecules cannot pass out of the cell to equate the water levels, the volume of cell sa... ...order to obtain a wider and more precise base of evidence. There is scope for further investigation of the topic in order to obtain further evidence and draw a more accurate conclusion. For example, now the concentration of potato cell sap has been identified at about 15%, a smaller range of solution strengths could be used in an otherwise identical experiment; 5 solutions of 10% and 20% concentration for example. Alternatively, investigations could be conducted into the effects of osmosis on different vegetables or more widely plants in general. For further information on the potato, the same experiment could be conducted using samples from different parts of the plant. This would establish whether different areas of a plant have differing levels of sucrose in their cell sap. Any of these suggestions would both help to support my conclusion and extend the investigation in general further. Bibliography - GCSE Biology D. G. Mackean - Biology for You Gareth Williams - The Times GCSE Revision Guides - Biology PC CD ROM - Hutchinson's Multimedia Encyclopaedia PC CD ROM - - - - An investigation of the glucose concentration of the cell sap in potato An investigation of the glucose concentration of the cell sap in potato cells In this experiment I intend to investigate the effects of osmosis on potato cells. Specifically, I intend to use my knowledge of osmosis to investigate the glucose concentration of the cell sap in potato cells. Osmosis is a method by which water levels on either side of a semi permeable membrane may balance themselves. It occurs between regions of high water concentration and low water concentration. As it is a special method of diffusion exclusive to water, it also allows dilute and concentrated solutions to balance their strengths. It does this by preventing large non-water particles from passing through the semi-permeable membrane due to their size, in order that the water levels on either side may equate, regardless of the solution's other contents. Osmosis is passive, that is to say it does not require energy in order to be performed. This is because it occurs solely between regions of high and low water concentration. The direction and speed of osmosis depends on the two solutions' osmotic potential. This is the measure of the pressure by which the water molecules of a solution diffuse across a semi-permeable membrane. A solution's potential is defined by its concentration. The more soluble a solution has in it, the lower its water concentration and the lower its osmotic potential. In the example below sugar molecules represent the soluble. Cell sap is contained in the vacuole of a cell and is a part glucose, part water solution. The membrane of the cell acts as a semi-permeable membrane across which osmosis occurs (see below). In the case of osmosis into and out of the vacuole, it occurs across two membranes - the plasmalemma and the tonoplast. When osmosis occurs, water may enter or leave the vacuole according to the concentration of the substances inside and outside the potato cell. In the example below we see what would happen if a plant cell were surrounded by pure water. As pure water has the highest water concentration possible, osmosis will invariably occur into the cell vacuole, which by definition contains a solution lower water concentration. The plant cell will take in as much water as is needed to make the water levels on either side of the membrane equal. As the glucose molecules cannot pass out of the cell to equate the water levels, the volume of cell sa... ...order to obtain a wider and more precise base of evidence. There is scope for further investigation of the topic in order to obtain further evidence and draw a more accurate conclusion. For example, now the concentration of potato cell sap has been identified at about 15%, a smaller range of solution strengths could be used in an otherwise identical experiment; 5 solutions of 10% and 20% concentration for example. Alternatively, investigations could be conducted into the effects of osmosis on different vegetables or more widely plants in general. For further information on the potato, the same experiment could be conducted using samples from different parts of the plant. This would establish whether different areas of a plant have differing levels of sucrose in their cell sap. Any of these suggestions would both help to support my conclusion and extend the investigation in general further. Bibliography - GCSE Biology D. G. Mackean - Biology for You Gareth Williams - The Times GCSE Revision Guides - Biology PC CD ROM - Hutchinson's Multimedia Encyclopaedia PC CD ROM - - - -

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Glass Menagerie :: essays research papers

The play the Glass Menagerie supports the theme of illusions. A menagerie, a zoo, refers to a group of inhuman creatures. Since the creatures are glass, they are very fragile and not real. The title specifically refers to Laura’s collection of glass animals mainly horses. To escape the harshness of reality, Laura spends hours playing with the menagerie; this is an imaginary world for her. It is not only Laura, it is all of the Wingfields, they are all fragile enough to break easily. They burn with the slow and impeccable fires of human desperation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Glass Menagerie is a sad story of hopelessness and tragedy, a story of human nature and how it affects people's lives. The story itself may not seem tragic but the social downfall of the Wingfield's in itself is tragic. Williams shows the Southern family in decline, with certain members holding desperately to past visions of grandeur. Amanda Wingfield desperately clings to her romanticized memories of her southern past. Williams makes it clear that her memories are just mere illusions. The south has a tragic history, just like Amanda and Rose.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As you read into the play, you understand that the Wingfield's live in a life of fantasy wrapped in tragedy. Many aspects of their life, I believe, are very depressing and heartbreaking.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Such is the case of Amanda Wingfield. A southern girl, who had the opportunity to marry very rich husbands. She takes a wrong turn and marries a drunk who deserts he, there is no coming back from the one mistake. Everyday she reminisces about her past life and how glorious it once was. Tennessee Williams uses this as a perfect way to compare their present life to their past, creating a feeling of misery and pain.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These feelings of misery and hopelessness are enforced by her children's sorrows and wretched lives. As Laura develops a inferiority complex after going to school for one day, the reader develops a sense of compassion.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Overcoming Adversity Essay

Adversity is a dificult situation what happened in our lives, problems large and small, present themselves to us throughout our whole existence it dependent each people who overcoming adversity. I believe that every person in the world has a certain strength inner or outer with adversities. First, be aware of and accept that adversity is inevitable in life because, adversity is part of life. To avoid or resist it will only make it persist. Everywhere you look in the world there is unmistakable struggle. There are floods, tsunamis, wars, and calamities of all types. Even within your own circle of family and friends there is death, loss and tragedy. Life is not easy If you expect it to be, you will perpetually disappoint yourself bad experiences that afect our dayli life this harsh reality can be hard to visualize. Second, when you try to respond positively and constructively to your biggest challenges, the qualities of strength, courage, character and perseverance emerge from deep inside of you. Focus on what you can improve, your reactions, confidence and attitude. Then important thing is simply to find one positive thought that inspires and helps you move forward. Hold on to it strongly, and focus on it. You may feel like you don not have much, or anything at all, but you have your mind to inspire you and that’s really all you need to start moving forward again. in fact, thank goodness for adversity learning to deal with and overcoming adversity is what makes us who we are. Every challenge and every difficulty we successfully confront in life serves to strengthen our will, confidence and ability to conquer future obstacles. Everything in life is two sided. There is good reason why we can not expect to feel pleasure without ever feeling pain; joy without ever feeling sorrow; confident without ever feeling fear; calm without ever feeling restless; hope without ever feeling despair: there is no such thing as a one sided coin in life, with which one can buy a pain free, trouble free existence.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Physics, Energy

Romar M. Cabinta EXERCISES 15 WORK, ENERGY, AND POWER A. CONCEPTUAL QUESTIONS 1. Is work done when you move a book from the top of the desk to the floor? Why? Yes. It is because the displacement of the book from the top of the desk to the floor and the force that is applied to the book is parallel with one another. 2. State the law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy in two ways? The law of conservation of energy states that energy may neither be created nor destroyed. Therefore the sum of all the energies in the system is a constant. TMEinitial=TMEfinal 3. Explain the basic ideas that govern the design and operation of a roller coaster.A roller coaster is operated and designed through the application of Physics. The law of Conservation of Energy governs the changes in a coaster's speed and height. Simply put, the higher an object is off the ground, the more potential energy it has – that is, potential to gain speed as it falls. As it falls toward the ground, that potential e nergy changes to kinetic energy, or energy of motion. The sum of the two types of energy is constant, but a roller coaster must maintain an adequate balance of potential and kinetic energies to deliver a thrilling ride. . An inefficient machine is said to â€Å"waste energy†. Does this mean that energy is actually lost? Explain. Energy is never lost. An inefficient machine wastes energy by converting it to an unproductive state. A machine, such as a motor car engine has the primary task of converting the energy in the fuel to motion of the car. It is unproductive because a large proportion of the fuel's chemical energy is dissipated in the form of noise, heat, vibration etc. so that only a small proportion is actually used for its prime purpose. 5.Is it possible for a simple machine to multiply both force and speed at the same time? Why? It is impossible for a simple machine to multiply both force and gain speed at the same time. It is because the gain in speed of a machine i s the result of an exertion of a lot more force and therefore do not take place at the same time. One best example is a bicycle crossing a steep hill requires a greater force to be exerted to be able to gain speed. B. PROBLEMS 1. Starting from rest, 5-kg slides 2. 5 m down a rough 30 ° incline. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the incline is 0. . Determine the work done by (a) the force of gravity; (b) the friction between the block and incline; (c) the normal force; and (d) the net force on the block. W=5kg9. 8kgs2 W=49 N a. ) W=Fd W=Wsin30 °(2. 5m) W=49sin30 °(2. 5m) W=61. 25 J b. ) W=-Fd W=-? kNd W=-(0. 4)(42. 44N)(2. 5m) W=-42,44 J c. ) W=0 Normal force does not exert work because it is perpendiuclar with the displacement. d. ) WT=49Nsin30 °2. 5m-0. 442. 44N2. 5m+0 WT=18. 81 J 2. Car A has twice the mass of car B, but only half as much kinetic energy.When both cars increase their speed by 5m/s, then they have the same kinetic energy. What were t he original speeds of the two cars? CAR A CAR B mass=2mB mass=mB KEA=12KEB KEB =KEB VA=5ms VB =5ms VA=2KEAmA KEA=KEB VA=2(12KEB)2mB 12mAv=12mBv 2122mB5=12mB5 VA=KEB2mB 10mB4=5mB2 VB=KEBmB 5mB2=5mB2 3. A 400-g bead slides on a curved frictionless wire, starting from rest at point A. Find the speed of the bead at point B and point C. 400g? 1kg1000g=0. 4 kg PEA=mgh PEA=(0. 4 kg)(9. 8)(5m) PEA=19. 6 J PEB=(0. 4)(9. 8)(0) PEB=0 J KEA=12mv2=120. 4kg02=0 J TME=PEA+KEA=19. 6 J+0 J=19. 6 J KEB=TME-PEB=19. 6-0=19. 6 J KEB=12mvB2 19. 6 J=120. 4 kgVB2 VB=39. 2 J0. 4 lg=9. 90 m/s PEC=mgh=(0. 4)(9. 8ms22m=7. 84 J KEC=TME-PEC=19. 6 J-7. 84 J=11. 76 J KEC=12mv2C 11. 76=120. 4kg) (v2C Vc=23. 2 J0. 4 kg=76. 67 m/s 4. A tandem (two-person) bicycle team must overcome a force of 34 lbs. to maintain a speed of 30 ft. /s. Find the power required per rider, assuming they contribute equally. Express your answer in horsepower. F=34 lb F1=17 lb=F2 P1=F1v=17 lb30fts=510 ftlbs? 1hp550 ftlbs=0. 93 hp P2=F1v=17 lb30fts=510 ftlbs? 1hp550 ftlbs=0. 93 hp 5. A pump is required to lift 200 L of water per minute from a well 10 m deep and eject it with a speed of 20m/s. (a) How much work is done per minute in lifting the water? (b) How much in giving its kinetic energy? What horsepower engine is needed if it is 80% efficient? a. ) W=mgh+12mv2=200kg? 0m? 9. 81kgm2+12? 200kg? 20ms2=59620Js=993. 67J/min b. ) W=12mv2=12200kg20ms2=40000 J c. ) HP=59620js? 0. 8? 746js=99. 899 hp EXERCISES 16 LINEAR MOMENTUM A. CONCEPTUAL QUESTIONS 1. Which has greater momentum, a ten wheeler truck at rest or a moving motorcycle? Why? A moving motorcycle has a greater momentum than the truck. A truck at rest has zero momentum because an object has to be moving in order to have a momentum. 2. How does impulse differ from force? Impulse is the product of force and the time interval of the application of force; while force is just a factor that affects an object’s impulse when it is at motion. 3.Why is it incorrect to say that impulse equals momentum? It is not right to say that impulse is equal to momentum because impulse is the measure of the change in momentum and therefore an object with constant and non-changing momentum has zero impulse. 4. What is the function of seatbelts and airbags in automobile? The function of seatbelts and airbags in an automobile is to increase the time of a force to reach its destination, which results to a lesser impact of objects that can collide to a passenger and therefore will have a higher chance for his/her life to be saved. 5. Distinguish between an elastic collision and inelastic collision.In elastic collision, the momentum and the kinetic energy are conserved; and its coefficient of restitution is equal to one. However in inelastic collision, the kinetic energy is not conserved and the coefficient of restitution is zero. B. PROBLEMS 1. A 10,000-kg truck has a speed of 100 km/h? (a) what is its momentum? What speed must a 5,000-kg truck attain in order to have (b) the same momentum? (c) the same kinetic energy? a. ) P=mv=10000 kg27. 78ms=2. 78? 105kg? m/s b. ) P=mv 2. 78? 105kg? ms5000kg=5000 kgv5000 kg v=55. 6 m/s c. ) KE=12mv2 KE=121000027. 782 KE=3. 86? 106J KE=12mv2 3. 86? 106J=125000kgv2 v=7. 72? 106J500kg v=39. 29 m/s . A car is stopped for a traffic signal. When the light turns green, the car accelerates, increasing its speed from 0 to 60 km/h in 0. 8 s. What are the magnitudes of the linear impulse and the average total force experienced by a 70-kg passenger in the car during the time the car accelerates? J=m? v J=(70 kg)(16. 67ms) J=1166. 9 kg? m/s J=Ft=Jt F=1166. 9 kg? ms0. 8s=1458. 63 N 3. A 5-g object moving to the right at 20cm/s makes elastic head on collision with a 10-g object that is initially at rest. Find (a) the velocity of each object after the collision and (b) the fraction of the initial kinetic energy transferred to the 10-g object.PT=PT' mAvA+mBvB=mAvA'+mBvB' 5g20cms+10g0=5g-vA'+(10g)(vB') 100=-5vA+10vB' 20=-vA+2vB' 20=-vB+20 +2vB' vB'=0 cm/s e=(vB'-vA')/(vA-vB) 1=(vB'-vA')/(20 cm/s-0cm/s) 20=vB'-vA' vA'=vB'-20 vA'=0-20 vA'=-20 cm/s 4. After a completely inelastic collision between two objects of equal mass m, each having initial speed v, the two move off together with speed v/3. What was the angle between their initial directions? P1x + P2x = Pfx = Pf,  P1y+P2x = 0. 2mv cos? = 2mv/3, cos? = 1/3, ? = 70. 5o. The angle between their initial directions is 2? =141  ° 5. A stone whose mass is 100 g rest on a frictionless horizontal surface.A bullet of mass 2. 5 g, travelling horizontally at 400 m/s, strikes the stone and rebounds horizontally at night angles to its original direction with a speed of 300 m/s. (a) Compute the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the stone after it is struck. (b) Is the collision perfectly elastic? a. ) Assume that the bullet is traveling in the positive x-direction and that the stone has components of  velocity  vx and vy after the collision . Equating momentum before and after in these directions. 0. 0025 kg x 400ms=0. 1 kg vx vx = 10 m/s 0. 1 vy= 0. 0025 x 300 vy = 7. 5 m/s Magnitude of velocity = v(102+7. ) = 10. 37 m/s Angle =tan-1(vy/vx) = 36. 87 deg to the x-axis b. ) No. EXERCISES 16 LINEAR MOMENTUM A. CONCEPTUAL QUESTIONS 1. What is Hooke’s Law? Hooke's law  of  elasticity  is an approximation that states that the extension of a spring is in direct proportion with the  load  applied to it. Many materials obey this law as long as the load does not exceed the material's  elastic limit. Materials for which Hooke's law is a useful approximation are known as  linear-elastic  or â€Å"Hookean† materials. Hookean materials are a necessarily broad term that may include the work of muscular layers of the heart.Hooke's law in simple terms says that  stress  is  directly proportional  to  strain. Mathematically, Hooke's law states that 2. When is a material said to be elastic? A mate rial is called elastic if the deformation produced in the body is completely recovered after the removal the load. For ideally elastic materials, a single valued (linear) and time independent relation exists between the forces and the deformations. Although it is hard to find an ideally elastic material, i. e. , A Hookean solid, most of the materials can be considered elastic at least for a specific range. 3.Which is more elastic, a rubber band or spiral steel spring? Why? Spiral steel spring is more elastic than rubber band because it has greater elastic limit and ultimate strength than a rubber band because it has greater elastic limit and ultimate strength than a rubber. 4. What is the difference between the elastic limit of a material and its ultimate strength? Why are these concepts of special importance to construction engineers? Elastic limit is the maximum stress that can be applied to a material without being permanently deformed while ultimate strength is the stress requir ed to cause actual fracture to a material.These concepts are important to construction engineers because it gives them the idea of what materials are perfect for the construction and those that are fragile. 5. Which is more compressible, alcohol or water? Why? Alcohol. It is because alcohol has higher compressibility and accepts a greater pressure than on water. B. PROBLEMS 1. A nylon rope used by mountaineers elongates . 5 m under the weight of an 80-kg climber. (a) If the rope is 50 m in length and 9 mm in diameter, what is the Young’s Modulus for this material? (b) If Polson’s ratio for nylon is 0. , find the change in diameter under this stress. a) y=F? LoA? L y=(784N)(50m)Pi4. 5Ãâ€"10-32(1. 5 m) y=4. 11Ãâ€"108 Pa b) ? tto=- LL0 ?t=- LtoLo=-0. 21. 59Ãâ€"10-3m50m=-5. 4? 10^-5 2. The elastic limit of steel elevator cable is 2. 75Ãâ€"108 N/m2 Find the maximum upward acceleration that can be given a 900-kg elevator when supported by a cable whose cross-section is 3 cm2, if the stress is not to exceed ? of the elastic limit. Maximum stress allowed:14(2. 75? 108=6. 875? 104 Pa Force force this stress=stress ? area=6. 875? 104 x0. 0003=20. 625 N=Fup Fup=mg+ma 20. 625=900(9. 81)+900(a) a=13. 11 m s-2 . The deepest pint in the ocean is the Mariana trench, about11 km deep. The pressure at this depth is huge, about 1. 13? 108 Pa. (a) Calculate the change in volume of 1000 L of seawater carried from the surface to this deepest point in the Pacific Ocean. (b) The density of seawater at the surface is 1. 025g/cm3. Find its density at the bottom. 4. If the shear stress in steel exceeds 4Ãâ€"108 N/m2, the steel ruptures. Determine the shearing force necessary to (a) shear a steal bolt 1. 0 cm in diameter and (b) punch a 1. 0-cm diameter hole in steel plate 5mm thick. a. ) FA= 4x108Nm2= F/R2 = F/*0. 1m2 F = 125663. 706143592N b. ) FA= 4x108Nm2= F/2RT= F/2*0. 005 m*0. 005m F = 63,000 N 5. In the figure below, 103 kg uniform log hangs by two steel wires, A and B, both of diameters 2. 4 mm. initially, wire A was 2. 5 m long and 2. 0 mm shorter than wire B. The log is now horizontal. a) What are the tensions in wires A and b? Since the log is not moving: FA + FB –mg = 0 Since the log is horizontal: LA + DLA = LB + DLB = LA + l + DLB, DLA = DLB + l, where l = 2 mm is the original difference in lengths between A and B. Which gives: b) What is the ratio of distance a and b?

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Military Language: Through My Eyes Literacy Narrative

Jaron Dowell Professor Benjamin Smith ENGL 1113 20120930 Military Language: Through My Eyes My drill instructor TSgt Huggins proudly stated to my flight of sixty other high school kids from around the U. S. , â€Å"Well boys we just got some breaking news from the commander, the state of Texas’s elevation has increased by four inches and it’s your all’s responsibility to right this wrong and the only way to do that is to push, so get on your face and keep pushing till I say stop. When most people overhear military personnel conversing with one other, I’m sure their first thought would be that the English language is being butchered because all they hear are acronyms. Examples are abound everywhere: if you overheard me saying that it’s time to go chow at the DFAC, most civilians would just stare at me with a puzzling look, but if other military personnel or someone familiar with the terminology overheard me, they wouldn’t question what had ju st been said at all; on the contrary, they would just know that it was time to go eat at the dining facility.The first time military language was introduced to me was the unforgettable day of June 29th, 2009 in the unforgivable heat of southern Texas at Lackland AFB. While 99% of my senior class was off having a last hoorah before they went off to college, I was getting told to get on my face and do pushups till my arms fall off by a man so huge, the earth shook beneath his feet. I was hundreds of miles away from home, and it suddenly hit me for what I had gotten myself into. Over the next two months I would have my views on life be changed almost on a weekly basis by what was going on around me.If I had known on my first day of what I should have said to Huggins question, I wouldn’t have had a problem, but instead I did the most idiotic thing you could do: I let out a small chuckle. With a blink of an eye, sergeant Huggins was in my face and letting me know if I thought some thing was funny, to which my response was â€Å"Sir trainee Dowell reports as ordered, sir I do not find you a funny man at all. † I thought that was the proper answer, but I was very wrong. Huggins was all-knowing and had an answer to everything.He just stared at me with a blank expression and said â€Å"That hurts trainee, here I was letting you see my talent and you go and do this to me, well since I’m obviously not the funny one how about you tell me a joke, so that way I can learn from a professional. † That moment I started to open my mouth and before a word was spoken an explosion went off, â€Å"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING, YOU WILL NOT SPEAK, YOU ARE NOT FUNNY, YOU ARE GOOD FOR ONE THING AND ONE THING ONLY, YOU WILL BE MY LATRINE QUEEN AND YOU WILL HAVE MY BATHROOM CLEAN ENOUGH TO EAT OFF, DO YOU UNDERSTAND! To which I responded â€Å"Yes sir. † It was at that moment I understood exactly the beauty of just saying two words and nothing else, â⠂¬Å"yes sir† was my dearest companion and would serve me well for the next couple months. Military culture was infusing itself with me more and more each day that I was at basic training. It was always adapting and helping me to understand the world around me and its intentions were obvious since very first day of basic training: to break me down, just to build me up.The act of being yelled at was literacy in its purest form. To me it was a means of communicating the disciplines I would have to endure in order for me to be a contributing force in the United States Air Force. Although I was not a fan of being yelled at on a regular basis, it began to dawn on me that in order for me to progress; I would have to learn the language that was presented in front of me. As simple as the language may have appeared to me at first, I learned that it was actually quite intricate.Not only did it combine language being spoken, but it utilized body language as well. The body language was the hardest aspect for me to grasp at the beginning; although I may have not intended to disrespect any MTI; my body language seemed to always be saying something completely opposite of what I had just spoken. But through persistent â€Å"behavioral modifications,† or as I like to say â€Å"getting my head chewed off,† I was able to overcome that obstacle in no time at all.I had learned the art of being a big guy that could be tinier and quieter than a field mouse. I had learned my lesson and now began the practice of listening before speaking and it was worked wonderfully in my favor because I hadn’t received the wrath of any of my drill instructors. I started to realize that the military was teaching me valuable tools that would help me throughout my life, not just a means for me to survive basic training.At times the language and environment was harsh but I came to the conclusion that I needed to take a step back and allow someone to help me progress myself as a n adult. For me, graduating basic training was one of the proudest moments of my life and whenever I look back at that day, I know that if I hadn’t of been put through that stress, I wouldn’t have the skills I do today to deal with that. The military was a great thing for me to experience, and I will always be thankful for that.